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Parents ask priest how to live the best kind of life, are caught off guard by his response

The elementary school auditorium teems with noise, as little groups here and there talk about the latest events and the kids giggle and play. 
A few of the parents gather around the local priest and one blurts out, "So, Father Mike, we're having this debate and we're hoping you can settle it for us." 
The priest struggles not to grin from ear to ear. "Well, James, I'll do my best to help you. How may I be of service?"
"Well, some of us are struggling with how to live the best kind of life," explains the parent. "You see, some say it is to revel in the pleasures of life — stay out late, dance, drink, rumple the sheets as much as you can, if know what I mean."
"Indeed, I do know what you mean, go on," the priest replies quickly. 
The parent continues: "Others believe it is better to focus on your work, build up the best business you can, maybe raise a family and retire early."
"And then there's this other group that says it is better to give up modern life. Find a retreat or a commune and live in the slow zone."
By now the priest and the group of parents are outside the auditorium and strolling under the night sky. The priest sighs and pulls his keys out of his pocket.
"Well, James, it is kind of like faith. You must go in the direction from which you feel a pull. Myself? I like my work to be thoughtful, but I love to drive in the fast lane!" 
The priest winks, bids them goodnight, slips into his green Porsche 911 and burns rubber. He is out of there before the group can let out a gasp.  
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